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Nguyen Dang Son

Born in 1978 in Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province.

Graduated from Hue University, College of Arts, and the Lacquer Painting Department.


Nguyen Dang Son is currently a freelance artist, member of Thua Thien Hue Provincial Association of Arts, as well as the National Fine Arts Association.


Son has part-taken in numerous art exhibitions, and has been a recipient of many awards from the Vietnam Fine Arts Association, Thua Thien Hue Alliance of Fine Arts and Literature.


His works have been displayed at many museums, national as well as international art collections. 




001- Tinh me - Tong hop cua Nguyen Dang
Nguyen Dang Son.png

Son in his studio

(photo provided by artist)






Nguyen Dang Son’s works are a series of childhood memories tightly attached to his poor provincial village where he was born and brought up in the loving arms of his parents.


The image of motherhood is a frequent topic in many of Son’s works, mother love during childhood, nostalgia of mother, maternal sacrifices.


Son has been devoting his all to depict this sacred figure that has been a major inspiration for his artistic expression.

Mother Love

Lacquer on wood

For many, traveling offers new possible revelation, but for Son, as he admitted, “For me, art is very close to life. I seldomly make anything that is beyond who we are and what we have".


Indeed, Son finds himself fascinated with the charming beauty of everyday life in Hue city, the old majestic capital of Vietnam during feudalism, with its early of the day fairs, or its old fisherman’s wharf, or the flickering lights from the riverside village when the day breaks.


In Son’s works, animals are just as much present as humans, Son grieves for the forgotten bird hiding under the wires, for the gecko crying in the dark.


These images fill Son’s heart, and what we see is a mosaic filled with life and colors.


Mid-day Break

Lacquer on wood

Major Works

Fun Time

Lacquer on wood

002 Niem vui - Son mai cua Nguyen Dang S

Fun Time

Lacquer on wood

021 nhung o cua tren song 2 [] [].jpg

Riverside Windows

Lacquer on wood

008 khonggiantinh [] [].jpg

Static Space

Lacquer on wood

006 chosom-smai [] [].jpg

Early Fair

Lacquer on wood

(Works on this page are not available for sale)

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